It never sucks to find yourself outside of The Tinder Box in downtown Brattleboro as parades of punks and hippies and all the in-betweens drift amongst the music in something close to harmony, but it is even better if you find yourself there with people who are making some of the most interesting music out there right now. Washington’s
T.v. Coahran creates music that, if it existed in a material form, would resemble some sort of drugged-out carnival. There would be bright colors, shapes that had no name and made no sense, sounds with mysterious origins, a vaguely unsettling and paranoid vibe. These things may come close to frightening you, if they weren’t so damn captivating. Plus, it all carries an exhilarating brand of fun. The lads of T.v. are no less fascinating than the music; Trent Vernon Coahran , the origin of the name and the mastermind at work in creating the psychedelic busted-up-merry-go-round pop jams, approached us wearing a leather pilot’s cap and a Charlie Chaplin-style mustache. Trent was joined by Charles Leo Gebhardt IV, or Leo, and Mike De Leon, a photographer who learned drums quickly for the purpose of joining the group for the tour and had been playing for only three months by the time he reached Brattleboro. Check out the interview we grabbed before their show back in April, and head over to their Myspace to hear and download some of their tracks. They may just make more familiar forms of pop music seem like a waste of time.
T.v. Coahran Interview