As a reviewer, there are three critical criteria to me.
The first is always first and foremost if the tune (or artist) I'm listening to makes a strong first impression on me. To me this means whether I can hear and feel the music, the artist's ability to reach their audience in the message or story of the tune and whether there's potential to impact others. The first criteria is, to me, the most important.
The second criteria is technical. Whether the vocals and instrumentation are strong and how they benefit or detract from the song determining if it's a professional effort or a work in progress.
The third is if the song has the potential to be a contender. The commercial market is war. I wish it wasn't so but due to the competitive nature of business in general it has, as a major industry, become a cut throat environment where artists are often supported not because of their natural talent but because of how much investment has been put into their careers, eliminating those with the most to offer as newcomers. I hate it but to exist and continue there must be either an excruciatingly commercial or revolutionary newness to the artist and or song.
This being said, this particular group
This Club has a shot. I like her unusual voice (Malissa Layton), in an age where the soprano's mostly rule the songstress categories she's got a rich almost contralto fullness that blends beautifully with brilliant harmonies when they blend in the many hooks, and chorus' at the end of the verses. The only drawback is the mix isn't fully finished and the vocals waver in sound levels inconsistently at points, nothing a good mix can't fix. This Club has a very good effort going on. We look forward to hearing much more of them in the future.
This Club (myspace)'Together Forever' - This Club