Sunday, June 1, 2008

Catalan Corruption

Often, when one finds power in guitars and vocals of a teenage band, the driving force is angst. Catalan Corruption is not a victim to this trap that young bands tend to fall into. Their driving force seems instead to be ambition to craft well constructed, good music. It is safe to say that they succeed. Each song has multiple guitar parts and a rather complex construction, something you wouldn’t expect to hear coming from teens. The song writing suggests that these 13 and 14 year-olds are a bit beyond their years in that department as well, lyrics about childhood pets no where to be found. Nathan Grace’s vocals resemble a slightly squeakier Alex Turner of the Arctic Monkeys. The big sound of the Arctic Monkeys can be found on nearly every one of Catalan Corruption’s tracks as well, and luckily, the noise never gets clumsy.

‘The Other Stage’ grabs you from the moment it starts, and the chorus suggests a Bloc Party influence (who, if you check out the myspace, actually is listed as an influence, and in caps lock, no less).The track has the same sort of graceful panic that Bloc Party is known for, with an electricity that reels you in like a fishing rod. ‘A New Way’ has a lighter vibe but is still well constructed.

As far as a favorite goes, ‘Your Loss’ is a top contender. From the beginning it all sounds vaguely, and delightfully, dark and evil. The slightly threatening underlying chug of the track, like something may blow up at any second, has a surprisingly sexy vibe, and “Am I demented or disturbed?” is surely a stand out lyric from the whole bunch of tracks. In the second half of the song, the boys briefly break it down and present a bit of funk influence, a nice surprise that points again to the group’s maturity level. You’d think they’ve had a lifetime of experience to come up with this stuff.

The band’s age is an important thing to consider, not so you can go easy on them, but so you can realize how truly talented these guys are. Smile; there is hope for the music of the next generation.

Catalan Corruption (myspace)

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