Bark Cat Bark is one man, and that man is Josh Todd. Already recognized for his stunning remixes, at age 17 he is a force to be reckoned with, playing instruments such as; cello, mandolin, harpsichord, banjo, piano, harp, ukulele, glockenspiel and many more. Josh Todd can do everything from glitch music to making lovely melodic melodies. He is a musical genius; there truly aren’t enough words in the world to describe his various endeavors. When I first started listening to his large range of work, I was beside myself; one moment I’m listening to amazingly classical beautiful music and the next, intricate mind blowing digital sounds.
Bark Cat Bark’s original works will take you to far and distant places. It put whatever worries might have been plaguing your mind to rest. Your eyes close and you are cajoled into a relaxed state. His music is that of another time, eerily beautiful and complex, yet simple at the same time. You will be amazed when you step back and realize it is coming from one mind. This summer he will be releasing a new album ‘Sleep in Tale’. Bark Cat Bark is coming from all different directions, there is no telling what direction he is going in, but whatever way he does go it will be up.
We suggest you listen to…
‘Mares Of Diamonds’
‘The Gates of Crow Nest Park’
We suggest you listen to…
‘Mares Of Diamonds’
‘The Gates of Crow Nest Park’
‘Sheena Is A Parasite’
this man is an absolute genius!
you can tell by a few years time hes going to be huge!
He is amazing!
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